Arcturus A Degree in a Book: Philosophy : Everything You Need to Know to Master the Subject

Arcturus A Degree in a Book: Philosophy : Everything You Need to Know to Master the Subject

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Filled with beautiful full colour diagrams and illustrated throughout, Degree in a Book: Philosophy is a perfect introduction for students and laypeople alike.

With mind maps for each chapter, definition boxes, easily digestible features on the history of philosophy and suggestions for further reading, it provides you with everything you need to understand the fundamental issues. Learning philosophy has never been easier.

Including ideas from Aristotle and Zeno to Descartes and Wittgenstein, it covers the whole range of western thought.

By the time you finish reading this book, you will be able to answer questions like:

  • What is truth?
  • What can I really know?
  • How can I live a moral life?
  • Do I have free will?