Bigjigs Rail BJT282 Safari Tent

Bigjigs Rail Wooden Safari Tent Train Set Accessory

£10.99 £22


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Camp out for the night with the Safari Tent and look out for some wild animals roaming around! Which animals can you spot today? A crocodile? Monkey? Giraffe? Hop back on the train to continue exploring! The perfect wooden train accessory for our Safari Train Set.

Complete with a Safari Ranger, place him in the tent for a good night's sleep but watch out for the train passing through! A fun and creative addition to any wooden train set! Connects to other wooden tracks and accessories with ease.

Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials and coated in non-toxic paints and lacquers. Most other major wooden railway brands are compatible with Bigjigs Rail. Conforms to current European safety standards.

Safari Tent product features:

  • Safari Tent wooden train accessory
  • Comes with a Safari Ranger
  • 18cm L x 11.5cm H x 17.5cm W
  • Compatible with other wooden railway brands