Circe And The Song Of Achilles By Madeline Miller 2 Book Collection Set

Circe And The Song Of Achilles By Madeline Miller 2 Book Collection Set

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In the house of Helios; god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans; a daughter is born. Circe is a strange child - not powerful and terrible; like her father; nor gorgeous and mercenary like her mother. Scorned and rejected; Circe grows up in the shadows; at home in neither the world of gods or mortals. But Circe has a dark power of her own: witchcraft. When her gift threatens the gods; she is banished to the island of Aiaia where she hones her occult craft; casting spells; gathering strange herbs and taming wild beasts. Yet a woman who stands alone will never be left in peace for long - and among her island's guests is an unexpected visitor: the mortal Odysseus; for whom Circe will risk everything.

The Song of Achilles

Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus; an awkward young prince; has been exiled to the court of King Peleus and his perfect son Achilles. Despite their differences; Achilles befriends the shamed prince; and as they grow into young men skilled in the arts of war and medicine; their bond blossoms into something deeper - despite the displeasure of Achilles's mother Thetis; a cruel sea goddess. But when word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped; Achilles must go to war in distant Troy and fulfill his destiny. Torn between love and fear for his friend; Patroclus goes with him; little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they hold dear.