Dexter & Mason Frankincense & Myrrh Reed Diffuser
Dexter & Mason Frankincense & Myrrh Reed Diffuser
Dexter & Mason Frankincense & Myrrh Reed Diffuser
Dexter & Mason Frankincense & Myrrh Reed Diffuser

Dexter & Mason Frankincense & Myrrh Reed Diffuser

£27.00 £30


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The original Christmas gifts bring scents of comfort and joy…

Created from tree resin, Frankincense has a warm and woody feel, with a hint of spice. Myrrh has the comforting smell of an old-school chemist shop, clean and gently uplifting. The resinous fragrance of amber adds deeper earthy tones.

We’ve added gentle floral scents to lighten the mood, and a touch of aromatic tuberose from Mexico blends with sweet violet scents. A rich and reassuring fragrance that’s not just for Christmas.

Presented in luxury copper-foiled packaging

Weight: 100g

Created from tree resin, Frankincense has a warm and woody feel, with a hint of spice. Myrrh has the comforting smell of an old-school chemist shop, clean and gently uplifting. The resinous fragrance of amber adds deeper earthy tones.