Dorling Kindersley Dk Childrens Encyclopedia - The Book That Explains Everything
Dorling Kindersley Dk Childrens Encyclopedia - The Book That Explains Everything
Dorling Kindersley Dk Childrens Encyclopedia - The Book That Explains Everything
Dorling Kindersley Dk Childrens Encyclopedia - The Book That Explains Everything
Dorling Kindersley Dk Childrens Encyclopedia - The Book That Explains Everything
Dorling Kindersley Dk Childrens Encyclopedia - The Book That Explains Everything

Dorling Kindersley Dk Childrens Encyclopedia - The Book That Explains Everything

£16.85 £25


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The ultimate illustrated children's encyclopedia full of information and amazing images on over 250 key topics arranged from A to Z. This is the book that explains everything for kids aged 7 to 9. Packed with thousands of incredible and essential facts on favourite - and KS2 - subjects; DK Children's Encyclopedia covers nine different colour coded subject areas: art; people; history; earth; nature; science; technology; space and human body.

This lets children make links across topics and subject areas and create their own journey through DK Children's Encyclopedia. There are also comprehensive content and index pages and a glossary which lists of some of the more difficult words with an explanation. While the reference section contains useful lists; diagrams and tables; including a map of the world and lists of great artists; scientists and writers.