Build Your Own Motorcaravan 2nd Edition - Owners Workshop Manual - books 4 people

Group Build Your Own Motorcaravan 2nd Edition - Owners Workshop Manual

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Designing and building your own motorcaravan gives you the freedom to create a distinctive holiday home tailored to your needs and also enables you to control the cost. Whether you want to fit out a van; renovate a camper; revive an old model or build one from scratch; this manual will take you every step of the way. This new edition includes up-to-date information on electrical systems and water supplies; as well as sought-after storage options and weight-saving tips when working with wood. Armed with all the facts and many step-by-step instructions building your own motorcaravan quickly becomes achievable. Written in a friendly and accessible style with technical details explained. Informative self-build approach focusing on the requirements of the individual. The implications of the latest European standards and regulations. Vehicle load limits; weight distribution and suspension upgrades. Extensive body detailing; including the installation of windows and ventilators. Layouts; furniture construction and storage. Up-to-date guidance on special systems: water; gas; electricity; heating and refrigeration systems; checked by experts. Step-by-step photographic report showing a panel van conversion from start to finish. Choosing and fitting appliances. Comprehensive list of specialist component suppliers. Appendices include important legislation; regulations; norms and standards.