Usborne Growing Up For Girls And Boys Collection 2 Books Set Teens Young Adults - books 4 people

Growing Up For Girls And Boys Collection 2 Books Set Teens Young Adults

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Usborne Growing up for Girls and Boys Collection 2 Books Set

Growing up for girls

Body changes; mood swings; exercise; healthy eating; self-confidence; periods; bullying; social networking; drink; drugs; stress; STI's; hormones; relationships; sex; contraception; brain changes; feelings; friends; break-ups; fashion safety; spots; exams.....HELP! There's a lot more to growing up than just your first bra. But don't panic! Here's everything you need to know to get through the ups and downs of your teenage years.

Growing up for boys

Body Changes; brain changes; shaving; self-confidence; exercise; healthy eating; social networking; sexuality; drugs; drink; power; responsibility; hormones; feelings; friends; relationships; break-ups; contraception; STI's; stress; bullying exams...PANIC ALLERT Don't worry; it's all going to be OK. Just keep calm and carry on reading...

This book covers everything you need to know to get through the ups and downs of teenage life.