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The Smeds and the Smoos: The Smeds (who are red) never mix with the Smoos (who are blue).So when a young Smed and Smoo fall in love, their families strongly disapprove. But peace is restored and love conquers all in this happiest of love stories. There’s even a gorgeous purple baby to celebrate!
Superworm: He can fish Beetle out of a well, and rescue Toad from a busy road. But who will come to Superworm's rescue, when he's captured by a wicked Wizard Lizard? Luckily, all of Superworm's insect friends have a cunning plan.
The Highway Rat: Life is not safe for the other animals, as the villainous Highway Rat gallops along the highway, stealing their food. Clover from a rabbit; nuts from a squirrel - he even steals his own horse's hay. Will he finally meet his comeuppance, in the form of a cunning duck?
Tabby Mctat: Me, you and the old guitar. How perfectly, perfectly happy we are. MEEE-EW and the old guitar. How PURRRR-fectly happy we are! Tabby McTat is purr-fectly happy, singing along all day with Fred the busker. But when Fred gives chase to a thief, the two are separated. Will they ever find each other again?
Zog: He's also the most accident-prone. Luckily, a mysterious little girl always comes by and patches up his bumps and bruises. But will she be able to help him with his toughest test: capturing a princess? A wonderfully funny story from the author and illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man and ZOG, which have all been made into animated films shown on BBC1.