Monstershop Cantilever Parasol Base - Fan Design
Monstershop Cantilever Parasol Base - Fan Design
Monstershop Cantilever Parasol Base - Fan Design
Monstershop Cantilever Parasol Base - Fan Design
Monstershop Cantilever Parasol Base - Fan Design
Monstershop Cantilever Parasol Base - Fan Design

Monstershop Cantilever Parasol Base - Fan Design

£64.99 £69


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Get summer ready with a beautiful cantilever parasol base. Sturdy and supportive, this parasol base can sit neatly out of the way, allowing you to make the most out of your shaded area.

With the base sitting to the side, you can customise your garden by simply adding any colour of matching parasol to this base. This attractive combination will compliment any outdoor furniture.

The parasol base is quick and easy to setup too! Simply fill with sand or water and you're good to go. The dark grey aesthetic combined with the attractive fan or square design will be a smart finish to any parasol setup.

With the fan base design featured here, the parasol can sit conveniently out of the way. Combined with the neutral colour of the base, it compliments the parasol and garden furniture while also providing support. 

Product Features:

  • Beautiful cantilever parasol base
  • Sturdy structure to support any matching parasol
  • Quick-fill setup, just add sand or water and you're good to go
  • Stand available in square or fan design with connectors
  • Side-sitting stand maximises the shaded area you can use

Base Specifications:

  • Weight: 8.95Kg
  • Length: 0.515m / 51.5cm / 97.2”
  • Depth: 0.535m / 53.5cm / 118.1”
  • Width: 0.305m / 30.5cm / 118.1”