My First Phonics Reading Library 12 Book Box Set (Phonics Readers) (WITH FREE AUDIO ONLINE)
My First Phonics Reading Library 12 Book Box Set (Phonics Readers) (WITH FREE AUDIO ONLINE)

My First Phonics Reading Library 12 Book Box Set (Phonics Readers) (WITH FREE AUDIO ONLINE)

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Usborne My First Phonics Reading Library 12 Books Collection Box Set (Phonics Readers) (WITH FREE AUDIO ONLINE)

Ape's Great Escape

Ape’s in chains for stealing grapes. He has a cunning scheme to escape, but will the prison guards catch him?

Chimp with a Limp

Cheeky Chimp has a limp…or does he? Follow his extremely tall tale as he explains why he cannot possibly help Cheetah.

Hyena Ballerina

Hyena longs to become a ballerina, but will her dreams come true?

Giraffe in the Bath

Giraffe is all set for a soak in the tub after a hard day’s work – but no one will leave her in peace!

Goat in a Boat

Goat rows his boat around the moat. He sits and gazes at his float. It sinks. He blinks. “A fish!” he thinks.

Bug in a Rug

A funny picture book featuring a madcap story about a bug who just wants to get snug in his rug, which uses phonic repetition to help children learn to read.

Kangaroo at the Zoo

What a hullabaloo, someone new at the zoo! How do you do? I’m a kangaroo!

Mole in a Hole

Hay Mole! Rabbit Shouts. “you’re digging my carrots. They’re all popping out!”

Lizard in a Blizzard

Lizard has decided to make a snow machine. The trouble is, once it starts to snow, he can’t make it stop...

Flamingo plays Bingo

Flamingo can’t wait to play jungle bingo! But who will be crowned winner?

Raccoon on the Moon

“Goodbye!” cries Raccoon, “I’m off to the moon. I’ll be back by lunchtime, or late afternoon.” Goose grins and she giggles. “You foolish Raccoon!”

Llamas in Pyjamas

Sam, Ali and Charlie all yell with delight, there’s a creepy sleepover at Frankie’s tonight! They pick out pyjamas with stripes, spots and dots, with their packs on their backs off to Frankie’s they trot.

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