One-punch Man Volume 11-15 Collection 5 Books Set (Series 3)

One-punch Man Volume 11-15 Collection 5 Books Set (Series 3)

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One-Punch Man Volume 11-14 Collection 4 Books Set

One-Punch Man Volume 11

Nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes; from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However; this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem he just cant seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on

One-Punch Man Volume 12

Nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes; from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However; this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem he just cant seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on

One-Punch Man Volume 13

Life gets pretty boring when you can beat the snot out of any villain with just one punch. Nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes; from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However; this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem he just cant seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on Class-A heroes struggle in their fight against the giant monster Multieyed Octopus. Wait; is that Class-S hero Flashy Flash joining the fight Unfazed; the Monster Association continues ramping up its attacks; but its goal remains a mystery. Meanwhile; the martial arts tournament reaches the semifinals

One-Punch Man Volume 14

Life gets pretty boring when you can beat the snot out of any villain with just one punch. Nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes; from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However; this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem he just cant seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on The monster Goketsu appears at the martial arts tournament; and in an attempt to turn its participants into monsters; he gives them monster cells. Tournament champ Suiryu fights the newly monsterized fighters one after another; until a certain hero rushes to his side to help This action-packed superhero comedy about one mans conviction to be a hero for fun is one of the best-selling manga series of the past three years.

One-Punch Man Volume 15

Despite just finishing a martial arts tournament and immediately dealing with the Monster Association invasion, Saitama still proves to be so incredibly strong that he feels empty inside. King lectures him on how to live like a hero, but it doesn’t help. Meanwhile, servants of the Monster Association close in on Speed-o’-Sound Sonic!