Safety Razor
Reusable Safety Razor
Rebels with a Cause Premium Metal Double Edge Safety Razor with Stand and 5 Extra Blades
Rebels with a Cause Premium Metal Double Edge Safety Razor with Stand and 5 Extra Blades
Rebels with a Cause Premium Metal Double Edge Safety Razor with Stand and 5 Extra Blades
Rebels with a Cause Premium Metal Double Edge Safety Razor with Stand and 5 Extra Blades
Rebels with a Cause Premium Metal Double Edge Safety Razor with Stand and 5 Extra Blades

Rebels with a Cause Premium Metal Double Edge Safety Razor with Stand and 5 Extra Blades

£16.00 £21


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Upgrade your shaving routine with our stylish and sustainable premium metal double edge safety razor set. Get a close, easy, and comfortable shave, 100% plastic free. Our razor has a unique vintage design and a perfectly weighted handle for easy control. The close comb design enclosing the blade guarantees safety and reduces skin irritation.

This set includes the safety razor, a stand, and 5 replacement platinum coated stainless steel blades, providing a durable, cost effective and waste-reducing alternative to disposable plastic razors.


Use like any other razor blade, make sure to clean shaving area, soften using shaving product, carefully glide the blade over the part being shaved, wash with water and apply aftershave or moisturizer.

For optimal performance and lengthy use, clean and dry the handle and blade well after use and store in a dry place


How do you install and replace the blades of a reusable razor?

It's very easy. Simply unscrew the head, insert the blade in its housing, and screw the head back to the handle.

How long does each blade last?

It varies since the longevity of the blade depends on the hair they are used on, how they are maintained, and how they are stored. Having said that, you will see that with proper care and storing each blade will last a long time. When the blade starts feeling dull it is time to replace it.

How do I dispose of the blades?

Place the used blades in a metal container, label it (saying that it contains razor blades, for the safety of those who will handle them after you), and recycle it with metals. If in doubt, ask local authorities.

Is a safety razor good for women’s shaving?

Yes, safety razors are suitable for both men and women. They provide a close shave for the face, legs, underarms, and other body areas, with fewer chances of irritation or razor bumps compared to traditional disposable razors.

Are reusable razors better?

The benefits of using a reusable safety razor include a closer shave, reduced skin irritation, cost savings over time, and environmental sustainability. Metal razors are durable and last for years, without creating any plastic. Also, the blades are easily recyclable.


  • Safety razor made of high-quality metal
  • Blades made from platinum coated stainless steel
  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Zero Waste
  • Plastic Free
  • Recyclable blades
  • Packaging made from Kraft paper. Easy to recycle, biodegrade or compost after use