Ruby Wax A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled, How to Be Human The Manual, And Now For The Good News

Ruby Wax A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled, How to Be Human The Manual, And Now For The Good News

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How to Be Human

"It took us 4 billion years to evolve to where we are now - completely brilliant and yet, some might say, emotionally dwarfed. The question is: can our more empathetic side catch up in time to save us and the world? I've got nothing against smarts, but it's smarts without emotional awareness that got us into this position of being able to nuke each other into oblivion and rape the earth for oil."

And Now For The Good News...

As we begin to see the green shoots of a post-pandemic world, Ruby Wax's clever and witty And Now for the Good News is the blueprint we all need for achieving a kinder, more compassionate world.

Brimming with practical learnings, Ruby gives readers the opportunity to create lasting positive change and provides us all with a much-needed tonic for better mental health and wellbeing.

A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled

Five hundred years ago no one died of stress: we invented this concept and now we let it rule us.

In A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled, Ruby Wax shows us how to de-frazzle for good by making simple changes that give us time to breathe, reflect and live in the moment. It's an easy-to-understand introduction to mindfulness, weaved together with Ruby's trademark wit and humour.