From £299.00
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Struggling with stress, anxiety or insomnia? Sensate provides relaxation in as few as 10 minutes.
Sensate is a non-invasive device that is placed on your chest.
It emits infrasonic waves through the body, via bone conduction.
Your vagus nerve affects how your body reacts to stress, and toning it over time with Sensate can improve your digestion, heart health, and breathing rate too.
Find calm in just 10 minutes whenever you feel stressed.
Build your ability to handle stress and difficult situations.
Rest easy and wake refreshed, without pills or hangovers.
Sensate is easy to use. You simply place it on your chest and let the soft vibrations and soothing sounds calm you.
Based on 20 years of clinical practice + research.
1 Sensate Single
1 Sensate Plus Pack
What is Sensate Plus? Gain access to all soundscapes in our app and enjoy a fully immersive experience.
2 Sensate Plus Pack
What is Sensate Plus? Gain access to all soundscapes in our app and enjoy a fully immersive experience.