Successful Early Years Ofsted Inspections: Thriving Children, Confident Staff

Successful Early Years Ofsted Inspections: Thriving Children, Confident Staff

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The thought of a looming Ofsted inspection can send even the most positive practitioner into a panic. Julian Grenier leads you through the new updated Ofsted framework, and shows you how to navigate the process. He focuses on doing what is best for children and families to build long-lasting and effective provision that can be maintained before, during and after inspection. 

This new edition includes:

• More downloadable templates and resources

• Detailed coverage of the curriculum, and the new ‘Quality of education’ judgement

• Guidance on working with parents and carers to ensure their voices are part of the Ofsted inspection process

This book is ideal for Headteachers, EYFS co-ordinators, Nursery Managers and Early Years practitioners.