slate coasters round 10cm bulk wholesale
slate coasters round 10cm bulk wholesale
slate coasters round 10cm bulk wholesale
slate coasters round 10cm bulk wholesale

Van Gogh Slate Coasters Round Personalized Craft 10cm 8pc Set






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Add a sleek and stylish touch to your next cocktail party with slate coasters. The coasters are definitely eye-catching with a natural rustic look and rough edges. Foam pads on the bottoms protect your fine surfaces from water mark and heat. You can even write on these coasters with chalk and make "place cards" for each of your guests.

Size 10cm diam, 3-7mm thickness. 4 EVA Foam pads on the bottom QTY: 8 pieces

Product Features

  • Natural slate and rough edge look
  • Handcrafted cut by hands
  • Suitable for laser engraving and painting