Warrior Cats Series 1 The Prophecies Begin - 6 Books Collection Set By Erin Hunter NEW COVER
Warrior Cats Series 1 The Prophecies Begin - 6 Books Collection Set By Erin Hunter NEW COVER
Warrior Cats Series 1 The Prophecies Begin - 6 Books Collection Set By Erin Hunter NEW COVER

Warrior Cats Series 1 The Prophecies Begin - 6 Books Collection Set By Erin Hunter NEW COVER

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Into the Wild

Take your first steps into the wilderness with Rusty the house cat as he leaves his home to go and live in the wild. A thrillling new feline fantasy series that draws you into a vivid animal world. When 'kittypet' Rusty strays into the forest beyond his owner's garden and is ambushed by a wild cat; life as he knows it is over. After a brave fight; he is invited to leave the 'twoleg' world and join Thunderclan; one of four cat tribes; to train as a warrior.

Fire and Ice

The second of six titles; set in a thrilling world of wild cat clans. Firepaw; the warrior brave; is now Fireheart; warrior cat. Fireheart finds new danger lurking in the woods as the chill of winter sets in. This new series will have particular appeal for fans of Brian Jacques' Redwall series. Fireheart could hear a roaring around him; like wind in tall trees. The acrid stench of the Thunderpath stung his nostrils; together with a new smell; sharper and more terrifying. Fire! WindClan is missing; and hostilities between the remaining three clans place all the cats in peril. Illness and tragic accidents weaken the camp; and ThunderClan needs all its warriors to defend itself! but Fire heart suspects that certain cats may not be as loyal as they appear.

Forest of Secrets

The third of six titles; set in a thrilling world of wild cats; where epic battles for territory and hon our are played out. Allegiances are shifting among the Clans of warrior cats that roam the forest. With tensions so delicately balanced; former friends can become enemies overnight; and some cats are willing to kill to get what they want.

Rising Storm

Take another step into the wild with the Warrior Cats! Rejoin the adventures in book four of the series set in a thrilling feline fantasy world; when the forest is getting hotter and hotter! Fireheart's traitorous enemy Tigerclaw has been vanquished and exiled from ThunderClan -- but Fireheart can't shake the feeling that he's lurking out there in the forest; waiting for the chance to strike.

A Dangerous Path

Travel back into the rich feline fantasy world of the Warrior Cats in the fifth book series! Battles for honour and territory continue as Fireheart takes over the ThunderClan in this dramatic adventure. With Bluestar both increasingly ill; Fireheart must take on even more responsibility within ThunderClan. But terrible dreams of danger and death haunt Fireheart's dreams; as Tigerclaw seeks revenge and renegade dogs threaten everyone. Has Star Clan abandoned Thunder Clan forever?

The Darkest Hour

Step into the wild world of the Warrior Cats - wild cat excitement; epic battles and tribal rivalry! Myths and legends surround the four cat clans; in this thrilling feline fantasy adventure. The thrilling saga of battling cat clans concludes in the sixth book of this fantastic feline fantasy. ThunderClan's darkest hour is upon them; as Tigerstar's quest for power plunges all the Clans into the most terrible danger any cat has ever faced.

Tags: warriors erin hunter