Allen Carr 3 Books Collection Set The Easy Way For Women To Lose Weight The Easy Way For Women To .. - books 4 people

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The Easy Way for Women to Lose Weight 

READ THE EASY WAY TO BE THE WEIGHT YOU WANT TO BE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Are you unhappy with the weight you are? In The Easy Way for Women to Lose Weight, Allen Carr addresses the difficulties that women face in trying to lose weight. Diets don't work and just lead to a feeling of deprivation, which can cause food disorders like binge-eating. By explaining why you feel the need to eat junk food and, with simple step-by-step instructions to set you free from this addiction, Carr shows you how to eat for a healthier, happier life 

The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking

READ THIS BOOK NOW AND BECOME A HAPPY NON-DRINKER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Allen Carr's Easy Way is the most successful self-help stop-smoking method of all time. It has helped millions of smokers from all over the world to quit. In The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking, Allen Carr's Easy Way method has been applied to problem drinking for women, acknowledging that women who want to stop drinking face particular difficulties-and tailored to their needs. By explaining why you feel the need to drink and with simple step-by-step instructions to set you free, Allen Carr shows you how to escape from the alcohol trap. This book comes with several assurances: You won't feel like you're being talked down to, there are no scare tactics or gimmicks, you won't feel deprived, and you won't miss drinking 

The Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking 

READ THIS BOOK NOW AND BECOME A HAPPY NON SMOKER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Allen Carr's Easy Way is the most successful self-help stop-smoking method of all time. It has helped millions of smokers from all over the world to quit. In The Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking Allen Carr addresses the difficulties that women smokers face when trying to quit, and shows how his technique successfully resolves them. Allen's unique method removes the feeling of deprivation and works without using willpower. This book can enable any woman to escape the nicotine trap easily and painlessly without putting on weight. Allen Carr has helped cure millions of smokers worldwide and he can do the same for you. His books have sold over 15 million copies worldwide, and read by an estimated 40 million people, while countless more have been helped to quit through his network of clinics. This phenomenal success has been achieved not through advertising or marketing but through the personal recommendations of the ex-smokers who've quit with the method