Mrs Hinch 3 Book Set: The Activity Journal, The Little Book of Lists & This Is Me

Mrs Hinch 3 Book Set: The Activity Journal, The Little Book of Lists & This Is Me

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The Little Book of Lists [Hardcover]

Welcome to your Little Book of Lists! A whole book filled with just lists! Notebook goals! My idea of absolute heaven! As you all know, nothing helps me feel more organised than putting pen to paper and getting everything that's buzzing around my head down on to the page.Inside you'll find loads of Hinch Lists and Fresh'n Up Fridays to help you plan your hinching, as well as Tadaa Lists which I love to look back on and feel proud of.

Mrs Hinch: The Activity Journal [Hardcover]

Hello! Mrs Hinch here! Welcome to your very own Hinch activity journal! This little book is all about giving yourself the gift of time out: time to plan, time to dream, time to relax, time for us to have a bit of a giggle and a de-stress.We all live such stressful lives and it can be hard to take a moment just to breathe, but I want this book to be all about YOU. Something that we can all enjoy together.

This Is Me

I sometimes can't believe just how much has happened in the last couple of life-changing years. It's been a total whirlwind of a journey, and I'm so grateful to all my followers for their amazing love and support along the way.From my very first toy kitchen which was my pride and joy right through to the my very first Instagram posts stories of my cleaning routine, I'm going to take you back to the start of how it all began.